In times of crisis and uncertainly, when faced with situations and events outside of our control, leaders are called upon to take action, be decisive, reassure their people, review and reinvent to ensure their businesses come out fitter and better than before.
Boost Consultancy has been heartened by the way this brilliant hospitality industry has responded to the current crisis with care for its people and customers, born from a desire to collaborate and help one another navigate the unchartered waters of Covid-19.
The changes have required new thinking and ways of working that will last way beyond this crisis and help businesses return even stronger.
Delivering transformational change and innovation at lightning speed. This crisis has required businesses to be nimble and quick to find new ways to bring their products and services to customers. A great example is Leon developing a new ecommerce platform http// in 2 weeks - a project that MD Shereen Ritchie said in a recent interview would normally have taken 6-12 months to deliver.
Businesses have adopted new technologies to mobilise their products and services such as click and collect and delivery to home solutions, all turned around in a matter of weeks. For example, Pret launching their Organic Coffee on Amazon so customers could enjoy their favourite coffee at home, and the online Pizza Kits from Pizza Pilgrim’s that have been a huge success.
Businesses have been sharing best practice and learnings across the industry creating a sense of being in it together and supporting each other on the journey. An entrepreneurial spirit has grown and encouraged experimenting, prototyping, not being afraid to test and learn as you go, bringing a new energy and excitement to the industry.
Increased care and compassion shown to the most vulnerable in society and fantastic support to keep the NHS fed. I hope this will become interwoven into the culture of more businesses as we move forward. Many years ago, a great leader I worked for spoke about the desire to have a business that was about both “money and morals”, this crisis has made more people think about how they can do good whilst maintaining good business practice
Emerging opportunities that re-shape the longer-term business strategy – delivery models and home menu kits could remain a fundamental part of many businesses providing new sales streams. Lily Simpson, founder of Detox kitchen, talked about how the Covid-19 experience has led to a rethink of their strategy. The planned deli expansion has been shelved as they focus on the online business development and creation of a more sustainable business model, with a vertically integrated supply chain and exploring options to secure farmland to grow their own produce.
We have seen examples of authentic servant leadership with Jeremey King and D&D founder Des Gunewardena championing the government on behalf of their people to re-look at the furlough scheme to include tronch - a key part of the earnings of restaurant workers that they all pay tax on. I am hopeful that fairness and good sense play out and this is addressed.
There are still many challenges ahead, operating with social distancing will require restaurant brands to develop creative solutions to deliver an authentic customer experience. Some say this will be impossible and implausible; it does present a real conundrum. I have faith that we will find a way through and I'm confident there will be a demand from customers who will trust us to find new and innovative ways for them to experience the pleasure of eating out once more.
If you are looking for support in re-thinking your customer journey for reopening please contact me
or drop me an email to for a free initial chat.