A sign of a really great hospitality business is when it feels like a home away from home, as we wait for the announcement from Boris this Monday, I explore what key areas your business needs to pay attention to as you plan to welcome your customers home.
Hospitality has been hit hard by Covid with the ever-changing restrictions and the emotion and stress related to the closures and reopening. Many businesses now have well developed new services based around takeaway and home delivery that have enabled them to reach new customers and continue to serve existing. Lockdown 3 is proving challenging; we are bored with staying in being the new going out and desperate for more social interaction. We remain optimistic that Hospitality is given the same treatment as non- essential retail and that with the vaccine roll out well underway this is the final reopening for the sector.
It is difficult for businesses to plan effectively given the current uncertainty but as we head ever nearer to a post Covid world how you create a re-opening plan that creates a buzz and successfully attracts customer back .will be key
A Time To Reset
Lockdown 3, the final nail in the coffin for some hospitality businesses, those that have survived will be counting the cost of having been closed for so long. When faced with a crisis of this magnitude bad companies are destroyed, good companies survive, and great companies improve as they take the opportunity to review and reset their business in response to the change in the external environment. Reviewing their strategy and business model with an open and curious mindset whilst being willing to adapt to the new needs of their customers.
Changing Customer Mindsets
We can now see light at the end of the tunnel with the development and roll out of the vaccine. Despite this it is likely restrictions such as social distancing will remain in place for some time to come. Areas that directly impact on the perceived safety of the experience will remain a top priority for customers. Ensuring face coverings are worn in communal areas away from the table and keeping table service rather than ordering from a bar or counter will be key. How customers behaviours and thinking has changed will also affect the way your experience needs to adapt or change.
Four Types Of Customers
Covid 19 has impacted the way that customers behave and think, these fall into 4 different types of customers each with a different need and priority.
1. Carry on Regardless
– this group of customers are the most optimistic and excited to be able to get out and enjoy experiences once again, they have money to spend as saved during lockdown.
2. Carry on with Care
- this group of customers are feeling calm and ready to get out again they have slightly affected financially so have money to spend also need to be assured all guidelines are in place.
3. Carry on with Re- assurance- these customers are feeling vulnerable and will have been more impacted financially, they will have less money to spend so value will be key, they need reassurance that all safety guidelines and measures are in place.
4. Staying Home –
This group of customers are the most anxious and overwhelmed they have been significantly affected financially so do not have money to spend and feel more comfortable staying at home.
7 ways to ensure your experience meets the different customer mindsets.
1. Thinking about the way different customers will want to interact will be important and developing relevant refresher training for your staff to include this so they can engage effectively with your customers.
2. Identify the new moments of truth in your customer journey, thinking about this from when customers are looking at your website or social media pages to when they arrive to enjoy an experience with you.
3. Manage expectations by clearly communicating what customers can expect when they visit, this will reassure them on safety and ensure they are aware of what has changed.
4. Covid accreditation communicated on your website and social media platforms to provide confidence that you have everything in place to keep your customers and staff safe.
5. Communicate what is reassuring the same, talk about the quality of your produce or your signature dish that will be waiting for them, giving customers a reason to engage and come back to you.
6. Focus on the arrival to ensure that customers coming back get a great welcome and are also supported in navigating any changes to your experience.
7. To continue with new services such as take away or home delivery so you can continue to engage with customers not yet ready to come out.
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
Keeping customers informed has never been so important to make sure that you are letting customers know when you are planning to open and consider any special incentives for them to come back to see you.
Share stories about what you are most looking forward to about re-opening and share what your staff are most excited about in relation to welcoming customers back.
Share what is different in relation to how you are doing things but also share the things that will be just as good, the quality of produce a special signature dish or even a new dish that has been developed for re-opening.
Consider occasions people may have missed out on due to lock down such as special birthdays and anniversaries and invite them back to have a late celebration.
Share good news, people are fed up with the constant doom and gloom so think of ways to add some cheer and celebration to peoples lives.
Technology As An Enabler
Technology has advanced massively in the past 9 months and there are lots to be learnt because of this. Explore ways that technology can benefit the customers experience, such as order at table, QSR codes for menus, payment solutions made simpler. Technology can support in removing contact points and create a better experience for your customers.
Build Loyalty
Word of mouth is still the best advert for any business so getting customers talking about how great your experience was and how safe and well looked after they felt will ensure others come back. Customers will be wanting to come back out, but it has to be worth it, customers are used to staying home so you need to remind them about what they have been missing, there will be desire to get out and reconnect and money to spend but only if it feels worth it
Even though this is the third and let us hope last reopening it needs to be treated like a new opening as provides a second chance to make a great first impression with all your regular and new customers reminding them what they have missed and leaving them wanting more, I for one can’t wait!