The Eat Out to Help Out scheme has been very successful at getting people to return to restaurants and rebuild confidence in eating out once again. It is predicted that once the final numbers are in over 100 million meals will have been served as part of the scheme with over 84,000 restaurants registered.
Data taken from CGA peach tracker showed 40% of adults used the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme to make their first return to a restaurant since lockdown. Nearly all of the operators spoken to were fully booked throughout with many stating the offer attracted new customers to their restaurant. The question now is how operators can continue to build on this momentum and the renewed engagement in eating out.
Some operators plan to extend the scheme into September using the discount to reward customers and provide an incentive for attracting customers to go out Monday to Wednesday. The EOTHO scheme has been effective in highlighting how hard hit the hospitality industry has been and demonstrated how keen people are to support its recovery. Covid has shown just how creative and innovative the hospitality sector can be at finding solutions to the many challenges it faces.
We know too well the impact continual discounting can have on the perceived value of a brand and how difficult it can be to ween people off such discounts. So how do you create new reasons for customers to continue to help out by coming out to dine with you?
Boost consultancy
explores ways restaurants can build on the success of the scheme and continue to drive off-peak spend during September and October.
Consistency Builds Trust
One of the most important words in service is "always" ensuring that your team consistently delivers a quality experience and makes the customer feel welcome and special is an important part of building trust and confidence. This has never been more important to get right as nothing is more powerful than word of mouth recommendations, so deliver an experience that gets your customers telling others just how good it was!
Random Acts of Generosity
Carry out a review of your customer experience to ensure that it is the best it can possibly be, ensuring the new guidelines are applied in a way that protects customer engagement. Invest in training and development for your staff and managers in how to win the hearts and loyalty of your customers. Empower your teams to create wow moments for customers through acts of generosity which will achieve a more personal and authentic touch than discounting can.
Create a Loyal Following
Develop a loyalty scheme that is effective from Monday – Wednesday to keep those customers who have used the Eat Out to Help Out Scheme coming back. Offer customers incentives that provide opportunities to reward customers after a set number of visits. If customers visit your restaurant every week in September on the last week, they receive a reward such as a free main course or dessert or a free bottle of wine.
Menu Innovation
To develop a special dish or menu items or create a set menu offer for off peak days, link this with featuring local suppliers and seasonal produce that tells a great story and generates interest and perceived added value for the customers. To offer these menus on the off- peak days Monday -Wednesday to create demand.
Eating Out to Feel Good
People like to give to good causes as this makes them feel good about themselves, consider how you can create a community or charitable link to eating out in your restaurant . Many charities have suffered as major fund-raising events have been cancelled so this can provide a great opportunity to think differently about how your business could help. Perhaps offering a % of overall sales from off peak days to be donated to a charity or community project or feature a special dish on the menu where proceeds go to charity?
Family and Friends Evenings
We have all missed having quality time with our extended family and friends during lock down so what better way to encourage people to eat out than as a way to come together over food and drink. Considering a friends and family discount or value-added offer Monday-Wednesday as a way of bringing people together or even as a community/local event.
Stronger Together
Work with your other businesses and your local council to develop a “Local Restaurants Need You” campaign to engage people about continuing to eat out and support a much-needed recovery for the sector. Consider ways that restaurants in your area can work together to promote eating out and highlight the full choice and range of restaurants available. The new “Seat Out to Help Out” scheme aimed at encouraging people to get back to theatres and sporting events presents opportunity for restaurants and venues to work together perhaps offering a pre- theatre dinner linked to tickets for off-peak days.
As people choose to holiday in the UK and the holiday period extends through September and October, more people are likely to continue to eat out in the coming months. How your restaurant can take advantage of this and create compelling reasons for customers to come to you will determine how quickly you build back your trade.
Would your business benefit from working with a trusted partner who can bring fresh thinking and an experienced pair of eyes? Do you need support and guidance to increase sales and protect profits or help in improving your customer experience and overall business performance then get in touch at
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