Billy Bobs is a successful American themed diner and ice cream parlour with children’s play area based near Skipton. They have ambitious expansion plans for their business and have recently opened a second larger restaurant in Myerscough which consists of a 250-seater restaurant, ice cream parlour and children’s play areas.
Project Description:
Boost Consultancy was approached by Billy Bobs to support them in professionalising their people processes and training structure, working alongside their Operational Director and the business owners to develop a relevant and proportionate people plan and create the documentation and processes to support it.
The initial part of the project was reviewing their current processes and spending time in their Restaurant in Skipton, speaking to teams at both sites to build a full understanding of the current challenges and gaps.
Using this information, we created a project plan which outlined the key gaps and required processes and documents to address these. We created all the paperwork and documentation in line with their new HR system to ensure compliance in every area.
The second phase was mapping the end-to-end journey for people from applying for a position to leaving the business and identifying gaps in processes and procedures. The work involved improving their attraction strategy, benchmarking current pay and benefits externally and reshaping their adverts, job descriptions and people specifications to ensure they attracted the right candidates for positions.
We developed a new training route for team members linked to pay that reflected their unique character and brand and advised on possible approaches for providing internal and external development and training courses for new and existing managers.
We redeveloped their recruitment process and created the tools and material to support this including interview training for manager’s. We carried out a review of their existing induction process and redeveloped all the paperwork and documents to support this to ensure all legal and compliance training was fully covered.
We worked collaboratively with the managers to create a proportional performance management tool and trained and supported the implementation of this.
We assisted the managers in creating gold standard training manuals for each of their sections and stations. We identified gaps in training for more junior managers and provided ad hoc mentoring and training to develop their skills and confidence as leaders.